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Nanotube Tweezer

NanoLab offers two types of Tweezers--three element nanotube tweezers and two element nanotube tweezers.
Two element nanotube tweezer:
Substrate: 1x1cm oxide coated Si wafer
Contacts: two titanium electrode pads, 2x10 microns, separated by ~2 microns
Tweezer arms: On each electrode end, two carbon nanofibers (15 microns length x 100-200nm diameter) are deposited, with a separation distance (s) of 2 microns.
Pricing: $2530 ea
Operation: upon application of 8-12V DC, the tweezers will close. Limit current to 10 microamps.Tweezers typically remain closed upon removal of the voltage. To reopen, charge similarly, and bring a grounded probe near the closed end
Customization: The nanofiber length, separation, and other geometric features can be customized on request. please contact our engineer at
2 element nanotube tweezer

Three element nanotube tweezer:

  Substrate: 1x1cm oxide coated Si wafer
Contacts: three titanium electrode pads, 2x10 microns, forming an equilateral triangle
Tweezer arms: On each electrode end, three carbon nanofibers (15 microns length x 100-200nm diameter) are deposited, forming an equilateral triangle 2 microns on a side (s).
Pricing: $3125 ea
Operation: see US patent 6590296
Customization: The nanofiber length, separation, and other geometric features can be customized on request. please contact our engineer at
3 element nanotube tweezer

This page was updated on 08/10/2011